Antoshka (Kyiv, Ocean Plaza Shopping Center)

Antoshka has been a leader in the children's goods market for 20 years. Trust in the brand is ensured by a high level of product quality and the main mission of the company is to be the most interesting game for children and adults, through the transformation of the store into a game space. After all, today emotional attachment and "impression marketing" has a greater influence than the assortment of goods and services.

The NovaLight team faced the task of distinguishing the store from others in the retail space of the Ocean Plaza shopping center and visually emphasizing the new flagship format.

So we added brightness in the entrance group, in the interactive areas for children we made uniform comfortable light using linear lighting.

Added color around the perimeter of the store by installing RGB tape.

Accent lighting was used in areas for newborns, baby food and hygiene.


Equipment of own production:

  • Track spotlight Series T 29w/930 PW
  • Track spotlight Series T 29w/940 PW
  • Pendant lamp Series U 29w/930 PW
  • Linear lamps NL Line 1130 mm., 1680 mm., 2260 mm. and 2830 mm

The total area of the sales hall, warehouse and auxiliary premises, in which a full electrical supply was also made: 1100 m²