Bugatti (Kyiv, Shopping Mall “Lavina Mall”)
Total area: 75 m²
- development of the lighting concept
- lighting design
- installation of equipment
- LED accent lighting spotlights of the LED NL CHE series from EC "Nova Light"
- metal halide overhead lights NL DN HF from EC "Nova Light"
- linear LED lamps LED NL LINE from EC "Nova Light"
Showcase lighting level: 2500 lux
Lighting level of the checkout area: 500 lux
Light level on the product: 1200 - 1500 lux
The level of illumination of passages: 500-800 lux
Light color temperature: 3000 Kelvin
Color Rendering Index: 94
R9 ratio: 96.65
Light flux pulsation coefficient: 2.8%
Light sources: Mg lamps CDM-T Elite, LED modules of the special spectrum Premium White from Philips.