Iluminacja największej stacji benzynowej na Ukrainie: WOG we wsi Głęboczyca w obwodzie Żytomierskim.

On November 1, 2023, the WOG gas station chain opened the largest gas station complex in Ukraine after reconstruction, located in the village of Hlybochytsia, Zhytomyr Region. The area of the internal premises is 1,407.82 sq. m, so an important task was to ensure a high-quality customer experience by correctly zoning the premises for better service. Including, due to the use of proper lighting.

Освітлення АЗК WOG від Nova Light

Project task

Creation of a unique "impressive" customer experience for the largest gas station in Ukraine




The gas station space was devided into several specialized zones:

  • trade area

Освітлення для WOG

  • relax zone

Освітлення для WOG

  • restaurant area

Освітлення для WOG

  • coffee corner
  • service area

  • zone of internal working premises
  • zone of technical premises (Mitz S212)

Outdoor lighting

To implement the project's goals, exclusive modifications of the NL Series W lamp were developed to illuminate the canopy of the gas station complex, as well as other lamps from the model range of our own production were used.

Освітлення для WOG

Освітлення для WOG

Results of cooperation

As part of the implementation of the lighting project:

  • a comfortable internal and external light environment was created for visitors and employees of gas stations
  • the task of visually distinguishing the gas station from other objects on the route has been resolved
  • safe and comfortable parking of the TIR parking lot has been created.